Board of Directors

Elisabeth John 

Vice President
Brenda Steverson  

Jackie Randall  

D. Gail Bridgette 


Gwenolyn Cooper

Miriam Ferguson

James Hughes

Betsy Jenkins

Pam Martinez

Steve Toggerson


Standing Committee and Chairs
Steering Chair - Miriam Ferguson

Committee Chair
Nominating Committee
Miriam Ferguson, Chair
[Member: Gail Bridgette] 
Membership/Recruiting Committee
Vacant, Chair
[Calling Tree -  Angela Jones, Chair
Ken Mason, Miriam Ferguson, Evelyn Gainous, Geneva Kirby, Sheila Samuels, Lessie Brown, Carol Whipple]
Public Relations Committee Angela Jones, Chair
   a. Newsletter
   b. Computer
   c. Webpage
   d.  E-Blast 
   e.  Facebook 
Jackie Randall
Elisabeth John
Jackie Randall
Doris Moore
Jackie Randall, Elisabeth John
[Members: Gail Bridgette, William Mayfield]
Community Service Committee
William Mayfield, Chair
[Member: Esta Snyder]
Health/Wellness Committee
William Mayfield Chair
[Members: Wendy Osborne, Carol Smith, Louise Gomez]
Recreation&Social Activity
a. Hospitality/Care
b. Christmas 
c. Choir 
d. Picnic 
e. Travel 
Elisabeth John, Chair
Olivia Thorne, Chair
Miriam Ferguson, Chair
[Members: Lessie Brown, Gail Bridgette, Marion Moore, Angela Jones] 
Betsy Jenkins, Chair
[Members: William Mayfield, Lucy Aikerson, Gail Bridgette, Brenda Lee, Marvin Aikerson, Lessie Brown, Wendy Osborne, Jean Maddox, Angela Jones, Isabelle Reid, Ingird Black, Patricia Battle] 

[Members: Miriam Ferguson, Louise Gomez, Lessie Brown, Brenda Lee, Patricia Battle] 
Doris Moore, Chair 
Legislative/Advocacy Committee
James Hughes and Steve Toggerson, Co-Chairs
[Members: Lewis Moore, Jay Trevari, Evelyn Gainous]
Program Committee
   a. Chapter Programs
   b. Member Education 
Doris Drayton, Chair
[Member: Jackie Randall]
Standing Rules Committee
Elisabeth John
[Member: William Mayfield] 


About Us

AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization for people age 50 and over. We are dedicated to enhancing quality of life for all as we age. We lead positive social change and deliver value to members through information, advocacy and service. 

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